Table of Contents

Please click on the “Blog Archive” dropdown box and select the desired month.

October (Home) - Who is Jesus

October (Home) - In Jesus’ Name

October (Home) - By Jesus’ Example

October (Home) - To Believe

October (Home) - Baptism

October (Home) - The Holy Spirit

October (Home) - The Last Days

October (Home) - In the Stars

October (Home) - In the Clouds

October (Home) - Hebrew Thought

October (Home) - Odds and Ends

October (Home) - The Bottom Line

October (Home) - The Resurrection

October (Home) - The Judgment Day

September - Do You Trust Jesus

September - Losing One’s Patience

September - Jesus Was There

September - Roles of the Holy Spirit

September - Onboard

September - The Spirit Within Us

September - Jesus’ Voice

September - Look to Jesus

September - YAH’s Voice vs. satan’s Voice

September - Wait and Listen

September - He Has Explained Him

September - Spending Time

September - The Work of God

September - Greater Than I

August - Blasphemy

August - Pencil’s Down

August - The Breath of Life

August - Ears to Hear

August - Test the Spirits

August - Tolerance

August - Your Burden

August - Under Your Feet

August - Words

August - Apart From Me

August - Breakfast

August - Abide in Me

August - The Law and the Prophets

August - Who do you say I AM

July - Prudence

July - Who is the One

July - The Secret

July - I AM

July - Date of Jesus’ Return

July - 1,335 Days

July - A Clever Adversary

July - Fallen Asleep

July - The Crucifixion

July - Wineskins

July - Solomon

July - Elijah

July - Man Dressed in Linen

July - Above the Waters

June - The Shepherd

June - The Names of God

June - Hot Fudge Sundae

June - Couch Potato

June - Sodom

June - Babylon

June - Your Plan vs. God’s Plan

June - The Rapture(s)

June - Lord, please talk to me

June - God’s Master Timeframe

June - Waiting for the Lord

June - John

June - One with the Spirit

June - Sifted Like Wheat

May - Do’s and Don’ts

May - The Weight of the Flesh

May - The Power of Truth

May - Taught by the Father

May - I Know Him

May - His Voice

May - Showered with Gifts

May - Hated and Loved

May - The Narrow Gate

May - Allowed to Suffer

May - The False Prophet

May - The Beast

May - The Mark of the Beast

May - Born of the Spirit

April - Wake Up

April - Clean

April - Greater Works

April - Jesus’ Deity

April - Of the Truth

April - Living Color

April - Focus and Follow

April - Symphony Orchestra

April - Moses

April - The Law

April - Your Will Be Done

April - Fruit of the Spirit

April - Ruth

April - Believing vs. Knowing

March - Pilate

March - First Love

March - Evolution

March - Making Covenant

March - Rejected

March - The Footsteps of the Messiah

March - The Voice of the Flesh

March - A Few Good Men

March - The Heart

March - The Book of Life

March - Seek and Find

March - At the Movies

March - Equals

March - Fishers of Men

February - Not Even One

February - Isaac

February - The Author

February - Boast of This

February - Find Me

February - In the Spirit

February - The Substitute

February - The First and the Last

February - The Mission

February - Not My Job

February - Searching for You

February - Made Free

February - The Sower

February - Wash Your Face

January - All These Things

January - All Your Heart

January - The Deer

January - Trust in the Lord

January - Heart of Flesh

January - Know the Lord

January - Noah

January - Unity

January - Circumstances

January - The Palms of His Hands

January - The End

January - The Real Thing

January - One Lord One Spirit

January - Right at the Door

December - The Word of God

December - Lack of Knowledge

December - Wi-Fi

December - Stay and Leave

December - You and Me

December - The Physician

December - Moths

December - The Light of Life

December - Worship God

December - Compassion

December - Fear Not

December - Taken Up

December - Reclining at the Table

December - By My Spirit

November - In My Word

November - Vantage Point

November - The Kingdom of Heaven

November - Electricity

November - The Journey

November - Two Gospels

November - The Go’el or Redeemer

November - Hear My Voice

November - Seen the Father

November - Expectations

November - That One Right Person

November - Friends

November - Holy and Perfect

November - Press On

October - Living Water

October - In Awe

October - Born again of the Spirit

October - Let Go

October - Repentance

October - I Can Do Nothing

October - Gifts of the Spirit

October - The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

October - The Genealogy and Lineage of Jesus

October - How Smart is Smart?

October - Good Wednesday not Good Friday

October - The First Pentecost

October - By the Word of His Power

October - Mirror, Mirror

September - Like Father Like Son

September - Seeking You Out

September - Free Will vs Predestination

September - A Pearl of Great Value

September - My Father Your Father

September - The Fall Festivals

September - When As Yet There Was Not One Of Them

September - Measuring Up

September - Practicing the Truth

September - Ashamed

September - Careless Words

September - Preparing a Place

September - Guiding into all the Truth

September - Blessed

August - Not of This World

August - You of Little Faith

August - Living Stones

August - Not in the Instructions

August - You Are Not Alone

August - Step Out of the Boat

August - Divisions

August - The Festival of the New Moon

August - The Eduth

August - Something Greater is Here

August - A Work of Art

August - The Whisperer

August - What is Faith

August - Imagine

July - A Lack of Faith

July - Tempted

July - Commit Your Way to the Lord

July - The L-rd

July - To Whom Shall We Go

July - The Furnace of Blazing Fire

July - The Living Torah

July - Pushing the Envelope

July - God is for Us

July - Gentle and Humble in Heart

July - A Future and a Hope

July - Teacher and Lord

July - The Waterfall

July - The Water Faucet

June - Everlasting Love

June - How Many Times

June - He is with Me

June - Have You Seen

June - My Father and Your Father

June - Sacrificial Love

June - What is Eternal Life

June - The Most Chilling Passage in the Bible